Monday, September 03, 2007

Woke up after a very nice, active evening at the Vancouver Commodore. We had predrunk, twoo gin and Tonics and home over dinner and a manhattan at an overpriced dive close to Granville. Then we just went to the venue early not knowing what to expect of the place. The Commodore is a nice venue. elevated, near cinema balcony style areas with seating and the possibility of dinner and then a large center stage before the stage where groups perform. The group took its time, and of course we were early so we waited 1,3 hours for the beginning of the show. It was worth it though. The geriatric DJ was a gem and the show, once started, was great. There are caveats though. The Vancouver crowd took 45 minutes to get into the music and still significant amounts of people behaved like calvinists in a church. Still by the encores which lasted as long as the main show the crowd was happy and active. As for the group they were characteristically rampant and happy. I enjoyed it as much as the show at the Magic Stick in Detroit, though the novelty made that show more interesting.

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