Saturday, April 21, 2007

The domestication of happiness. It could be a title of a Ph.D thesis. A semicolon would be essential and the inevitable gerund structured subordinate clause would appear. Thus "gendering the house," or "housing serotonin," would be added to create catcy and sexy title that all hiring committees associate with cutting edge BS and automatically respect. Be that as it may - an expression I had to hunt down like a Seljuk raiding party in the open plateau of Anatolia after unarmed Byzantine peasants, throughout the breadth and length of my own thesis pages - it seems that domestic bliss matters. I have always been a proponent of this version of higher existance and it now appears that others are going through the same realization. The past two days have not been bad. What with the nice sunny skies and announcements from beyond the oceans that domestic happiness has been successfuly reproduced in controlled laboratory conditions, what with the reading of a good book and the steady if tedious progression towards the reading of a German article, I have been feeling well. It also helped sitting out and drinking quality Belgians. Now, a new day, a move for coffee and here we go.

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