Sunday, February 25, 2007

It is odd to find oneself in a situation which makes posting on the venue feel like a novel experience. It has been a while since I have been active here and I still wonder as to the reasons behind my silence. In anycase, on a grey day, sitting at N's dinning table, itself a French-Canadian's family heirloom, I am writing a lecture for Tuesday, while bemoaning the fact that I am not out with N and her friends eating lunch at a fancy restaurant. I have to think that I am saving money and that I actually need to work, in order to justify to myself my domestic status. My home search is still going on, more properties appear every day and more are turned down on account of one or another concern. Work is going well, though I need to be filling forms for a whole spate of bureaucratuc issues, and teaching has improved dramatically after the sluggish begining of this term.

I now feel they are enjoying the lectures as much as I do. I am now looking forward to my trip to Greece, to seeing friends, checking out my new property and just spending time with a bunch of young people, who may or may not have the energy to work after all their partying. Beyond that I feel I need to see friends, but I am too reluctant to pick up the phone and call as it simply is not the same. Hopefully sailing will pan out. On other news, it seems I have an in with the ministry of culture to get free Greek books for the program. I will be submitting quite a budget for that. It makes me happy to even think of the shipping list.

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