Saturday, September 30, 2006

Meeting of minds? Who knows. Lets just say that my grey Vancouver morning was marked by a refreshing encounter with a member of the reality based community. I am, in my professional work, a firm believer in subtexts and hidden meanings. I pursue them in the texts I read, to the amusement and annoyance of friends, who see in me a textual conspiracy-theorist. Theurgic scholarship with secret revealed meanings, they will shout. What can I respond to that, other that I am suspicious of writers' motives. There is no such thing as a clear statement. Have you ever courted another human being? You know what I am talking about. All that said, I like to take a statement by a person I meet for what it is. I like "honesty," even if I admire the techniques of obscurity that veil that honesty. Obscurity, as I see it in my work, is a tool that reveals meaning and offers safety. In a more modern context it is often (I will admit, not always) pretence or a game. I need none of the two right now. No code.

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