Friday, September 22, 2006

So, I am in a room full of music. I am alone on a Friday night feeling a bit paranoid about my latest acquisition. I spent 1500 Canadian dollars on a stereo system (amplifier, DVD player and Speakers) and I feel that before I insure them I should not leave the house in case they get stolen. I know I am paranoid, yet I guess I feel like their papa and they are young and in need of protection.

So here I sit with my little babies, listening to their crying which is certainly more melodious than whatever I have heard a baby belch out. If you detect a cynicism re babies you detect well, we are not going to discuss this now however. Among other things I purchased Johnny Cash's cover CD. He is brilliant.

So what did my day constitute of? Nothing impressive. I went downtown and spend time emailing, chatting on skype and then electronics shopping. Today is my weekend. Fridays will either be research days or simply days of rest. And today it was exactly that. Last night I was out at a Snow Patrol concert with a friend and today I have done little other than read news and communicate. So I will leave today at that and simply post a picture or two from my attempt to entertain two weeks ago ala Mrs Dalloway. Not much cooking expected this weekend. Just coffee in the morning and reading.

So I would also like to procure your help in writing a lecture about bishops in the Byzantine world. How do I convey sanctity to my students? I guess the next three days are going to be hell (well here's a saint's travail).

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