Friday, October 13, 2006

How to produce an honest unpretentious posting? Take a pot, add hours of paper marking, tired eyes, some music for background and the prospect of a night spent without any human interaction. There you are, the ingredients for some serious soul-searching are there and only should you cook at the wrong temperature will you end up with the usual baroque crap.

Still at home. All day spent between Commercial drive and East Seventh. Only three papers left to correct, but no power left to be mustered for this process. I will do it tomorrow morning before I leave for rock-climbing and after I place my machinetta on the stove. Bought a book on 20th century totalitarianisms. I am not sure what compels me to buy more books that will probably remain unread as a result of my desperate need to socialize whenever I do not work. How will I reinforce my pseudo-intellectual profile if I do not read them, but how will I have an opportunity to exhibit this same profile to the world if I do not socialize? Is this too personal? Should I make sure this view into the life of a professor does not filter out in broader academia?

Spaghetti in the pot and sauce in the "potlet" are conspiring to provide a meal for me. Will probably go get a film once I eat. The book will have to wait. My eyes are to tired for the coordination required by reading. As for my brain, it is elsewhere anyhow.

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