Thursday, October 05, 2006

What to report of a day that was spent at home and then at a lecture hall watching a discusion between film directors? To begin with maybe say that I am glad I stayed home today. Last night's drinking at the consul's and later at the restaurant had taken a toll. Everything had to be in slow motion today. Tomorrow there is more teaching and then students' papers to be collected. Then the weekend follows with all the social interactions and riddles that come with it. Today I did something I had never done before. I talked to my mother on the phone and told her I am proud of her. It is one of those things that you do not normally tell to your parents. On some occasions they may know, this is true. My dad for example knows. My mother, however, I feel is too unsure on her feet to believe it is possible. And yet this small, spunky, super-emotional, no shit woman deserves every accolade. I guess meeting Gavras and thinking about her trip to Paris to see 'Z' made me reach the tipping point. Yes I ultimately I admire her for her stubborn desire to stick it to forces far superior than her. Not as an ideologue, but as someone peeved with the experience of injustice. I am not sure I would have dared do the same, though I hope I would.

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