Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I want to put forward a project for a new-type rehab clinnic. It is going to be a project addressed to alienated early thirties intellectuals, lost in the business, academic or whatever other world and wishing to shed the nasty habbits of daily routine. It is going to be funded by contributions begining at the very moment our parents display that special glint in their eye. Basically I am working for future generations of people like me. The goals of the clinic would be to offer crash-courses in re-juvenilization. We will shed our weary mid-thirties cynicism for an assumption of the much more unadulturated mid-teens cynicism that was so amazing in lifting us above everyone else and producing a sense of invincibility and possibility (I need to clarify here that I am not exactly sure I can remember ever feeling invincible but bear with me for the sake of the story). The course would take place in carefully selected locations where hot weather, water and comfortable, stylish housing, will allow us to reconvene with all those friends who defined our being about half a generation ago. Friends who are now, half a generation later, lost in distance and worlds of labor. We shall sit, talk bullshit, philosophize and look lustfully after women trying to experience the same feeling of desire and desperation that we left behind as we slowly turned into lower middle age types feeling the need to rock-climb in order to convince the world of our continuing vitality. Oh and we will have to listen to Chris Rea's on the beach, share information on the latest music downloaded and discuss our achievements with an air of ironic self-deprecation.

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