Saturday, October 14, 2006

Was a very good day. I spent 3:30 hours at the rock-climbing venue and did a 5.8 climb (make that two) straight up without "resting" on the ropes and any falls. It was the most exhilerating feeling. It has been a while since I felt this. I know I will continue with the walls, the ropes, the ATC and the stiff upward-looking neck. Most interesting element in this experience is the degree to which it brings me face to face with a need to go just beyond what appears possible in my highly-realist, conservative sense of the physicaly feasible. It does not always happen and I am still missing both technique and strength (mostly technique I am told), yet it is great. See, ultimately it is possible to produce an unpretentius blog posting. Just get yourself genuinly excited by something real, that is possible to share in a manner that does not become embarassing, and you have your text.

After the exercising part, I ended up with my climbing partner and mentor at a cajun-style little eatery on Commercial for pulled pork and beer. I was so happy to consume it though I have to admit that tiredness did not blunt my taste, and I can still say with absolute confidence that Sam's pulled pork was simply better. But of course Sam's everything (kitchen related) is better. I wonder: how is Sam doing? Note to self: write to friend.

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